On the Move

Here I am, able to post because I have entertained my daughter by wearing a pair of loud, bright floral pajama pants. She is staring, mesmerised, and petting my knee like she wants to pick the flowers. I will have to remember this trick for future use.

Miss Gabbie and I are the kind of people who like to constantly be on the go. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind a good rainy day spent on the couch reading a good book or watching movies, but that doesn't really happen for me any more. So, we go, go, go.

Today we're headed out to lunch with a friend, our last of two quiet days before we really start going. Thursday we have a million errands to run, including going to meet the teachers at day care. Later this week we're headed to Columbus, OH to see my family including my grandmother who is beyond excited to meet her first great grandchild.

We come back on Sunday, and then Gabbie and I are headed off by ourselves, leaving Aaron by himself (he's looking forward to the sleep), to go to my hometown to visit my best friend. She's on her way through town with her husband (and, a recent development, baby in-utero) on their way out to move to California. Luckily for me, she's moving one town over from my brother, so in the future (like when I throw her a baby shower this winter) I can visit both of them with just one plane trip.

Lucky for us, Gabbie is still in the stage where she mainly sleeps in the car, and neither trip is very far, so hopefully (knock wood) both will be easy trips. Also, she's easily distracted from fussing by either her favorite rattle (Mr. Elephant) or a boob. Those two things along with my pants, make me an excellent baby entertainer apparently. Or not - the pants seem to be losing their power. And, I'm off to rock a certain somebody to sleep.

Things I have become addicted to while on maternity leave

  1. Re-runs of The X-Files, Frasier, and Will & Grace
  2. This American Life on Showtime
  3. Newman's Own Pink Lemonade
  4. Cheddar and Sour Cream Ruffles
  5. Lullabies
  6. My daughter's smile
  7. Naps in the recliner with Gabbie snuggled on my chest
  8. Reading anything and everything about babies and their development
  9. Learning new baby songs and lullabies

A Beautiful Distraction

I know posting around here has been infrequent.
This beautiful girl has been keeping me incredibly busy. I have so much to write, but just no time in which to write it. She changes so much every day that it worries me I'll miss it if I look away for just a minute.

My First Time...maybe?

If you were driving down the street (as I was the other day) and saw a woman on the side of the road, lifting the leg of her shorts and showing her leg to passersby, what would you think? Especially if she skipped showing it to you? Would you think that maybe she was hurt and looking for a ride (to the hospital three blocks down) even though there was no apparent injury? Or would you think (as I did later), Hey! I bet she's a hooker!?

And if so, would you be excited? As in, I just saw my first ever hooker!? Or am I just weird?

Do you know what really sucks?

What really sucks is when you stain with dye every single outfit your daughter owns. Not only the ones that currently fit either. No, I decided to wash those that are just a little too big too, so I've stained every outfit she has for the next few months.

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